Everyone might be rushing off to resume work, but the weather that comes with the festive season is still here. The weather is still dry and dusty, which is doing a number on many of us. We know you know you need some skincare in harmattan tips and that’s why we won’t leave you showing up at work looking ashy. Here are our five tips to protect your skin in this weather:
Use Warm Water to Bathe
Harmattan is not just dry and dusty; it is also cold. If you can help it, you probably do not want to bathe in cold water and suffer more cold than you need to. But you also do not want to use water that is too hot. Hot water might make you feel better temporarily, but it will also strip your skin of any moisture that it has retained. This means it will contribute to making your skin drier.
Moisturize and Seal the Moisture into your Skin
Harmattan is the time to layer on heavy lotions, thick creams, butter and oils. It is easier for your skin to lose moisture this season, so you have to support it properly by using richer moisturisers and layer it with oils or butter for maximum effect. Do this correctly, and you will have the added benefit of a nice glow on your skin when you’re done.
Wear Protective Clothing and Shoes
It’s cold, it’s dry, and it is dusty. Definitely not the best time for hot girl clothes. Clothing more suited for this season includes tops with long sleeves, trousers, long gowns and skirts. You want to do everything you can to protect your skin from getting dry and dull. One simple way to do that is by the clothes you wear. Shoes like sneakers, loafers, ballerina flats and other shoes that cover your feet, especially your heels, are preferable this season. The feet are especially prone to looking dusty too easily because they are in close contact with the ground. If you wear sandals and slippers to go out too often, you may find your feet looking ashy all the time, regardless of how well you moisturize before leaving your house.
Drink More Water
What we put into our bodies affects the health of our skin just as much as what we do on the outside. Drinking water helps with the hydration of your skin more than you know. It keeps your body refreshed and makes your skin less prone to the formation of lines and wrinkles, and improves blood circulation to the skin. Overall, the health of your skin can be a reflection of your overall health. So support your health in this harmattan by drinking more water.
Eat more Fruits and Vegetables
Just as water helps with refreshing and hydrating the body and, therefore, the skin, eating fruits and vegetables boosts the immunity of the body and supplies the body with vitamins and minerals that help with the health of the skin. Fruits and vegetables also contain water, so eating them will also contribute to the hydration of the body and the skin this season.
Please note that drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables are not the only ways to care for your skin health. If you have specific skin concerns, they may not be enough. Your skincare routine is equally important, as well as your sessions with an aesthetician if you have one.
With these tips to maintain great skincare in harmattan, we hope you can show up at work and everywhere else glowing despite the dry, dusty weather.